I’ve wanted to write about this for a long time and finally felt prompted after something I read today in the writings of someone who’s views on life I love and respect very much. They touched on the idea of intuition but referred to it as “emotional intuition” and implied that logic should come first and intuition should be ignored. They also “poo pooed” individuals for doing things because it “felt right”. Another thing that has had me wanting to write about intuition is, many years ago I was a student of “shamanism” and the teacher encouraged us to use our intuition BUT added that our intuition isn’t always right?!? Then what is the point of following it if it has a habit of steering us wrong? First of all I want to say that “emotional intuition” is a dichotomy – the two words contradict each other (like trying to say someone is a violet pacifist) and illustrate the individual’s complete lack of awareness and understanding o...