So who am I?  I don’t like labels but I am an introvert and very inclined have empathetic traits.  Both have been made my life rather miserable but that is because I didn’t understand them or how to work with them.  Still an ongoing process.

I’m in my 50’s and I’m a wife, a mother and a grandmother.  I work as a bookkeeper and, on occasion, a delivery person for an auto wreckers.  My life is for the most part very                               simple and I like it that way.

My passion is the mind – understanding what makes me tick and how I think and feel affects my life.  I want to understand why I do the things I do, think the things I think and believe the things I believe.  And I love to face my fears.

I’m no stranger to shit.  Been through a lot of it in my life not the least of which was having an angry, alcoholic father.   But all my shit has help push me to look for answers.  I’ve been down many roads looking – read a gazillion so called “self help books”, done the workshops, tried various healing modalities and all kinds of New Age mumbo jumbo.  Even did a course on “critical thinking” all over many many years in an attempt to “figure out what was wrong with me”.  Turns out there is nothing wrong with me.  I’m just me.  Far from perfect and I definitely have my “issues” but the only thing that was really wrong with me was the belief something was wrong and the belief that other people had the answers.  After 20 plus years of running from one thing to the other ...... I suddenly realized that for the most part ...... nothing had changed for me.  I was still struggling with the same struggles; still dealing with the same pain; still feeling like something was missing.  And that’s when I quit.  When I finally walked away from it all.  All the outward searching.  And that was the day my life “began”.  

And so, this blog is my “musing” -  my thoughts and reflections on life.  No more.  No less.  Hope you enjoy.



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