Hi!  My name is Sal and for a lot of years now I have had people tell me I should write a book.  Easier said than done.  It IS something I have wanted to do since I was a kid but we all know those dreams that never see the light of day right?  But someone was after me again recently and it hit something this time.  Not necessarily the idea of writing an actual book (but who knows in the future :-)) but I DO love to write.  I journal constantly and love to do it.  And there is an awful lot bouncing around in this noggin' of mine LOL!  So I thought blogging might be a good "compromise".

Last night I was listening to the radio and someone mentioned about www (as in web addresses) stood for World Wide Web.  Well "Duh!", but it actually took me by surprise.  Not that I was surprised that is what it stood for but the fact I didn't "know".  And it wasn't that I didn't know.  It was just something I took so for granted that I had never stopped to think about it.  What does that silly little story have to do with this blog you might ask?  Because that was a really good reminder to me.  Knowing what "www" stands for isn't exactly a life changer but it represents how we live our lives ....... taking stuff for granted and never bothering to think beyond it.  As I've gotten older, I have reverted back to being a five year old and asking "Why?" about everything.  Something we do FAR too little of!  We plod through our days on autopilot and then wonder at the end of the day why we feel so miserable.  

So this blog is just me, sharing some of my perceptions and ideas on life plus other odds and ends.  For all intense and purposes, I'm a nobody so I have nothing to back myself up with like degrees of any kind.  Just my own perceptions from life experiences.  Feel free to take everything with a grain of salt.  If you do choose to read on, hope you enjoy and hope it gives you some "food for thought" and even if you think my ideas are full of shit, hope it at least encourages you to look at little more openly and deeply at life.

And I would like to dedicate this blog to some very special ladies!:  my dearest Jill of many years of friendship who has on many occasions encourage me to write and move into my creative spaces and is always there for deep conversations. And to my amazing niece and "soul sister" Maggie without whom this blog would not exist, who has also encouraged me to write and share my ideas and, without our oh so precious and constant deep and wide-open heart to heart communications, I would not have found my way back to peace! :-)  Love you both so dearly!!!!




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