I’ve wanted to write about this for a long time and finally felt prompted after something I read today in the writings of someone who’s views on life I love and respect very much.  They touched on the idea of intuition but referred to it as “emotional intuition” and implied that logic should come first and intuition should be ignored.  They also “poo pooed” individuals for doing things because it “felt right”.   Another thing that has had me wanting to write about intuition is, many years ago I was a student of “shamanism” and the teacher encouraged us to use our intuition BUT added that our intuition isn’t always right?!?  Then what is the point of following it if it has a habit of steering us wrong?  

First of all I want to say that “emotional intuition” is a dichotomy – the two words contradict each other (like trying to say someone is a violet pacifist)  and illustrate the individual’s complete lack of awareness and understanding of what intuition is.  Fact is if you are emotional chances are you are not going to “hear” your intuition.  Emotion drown out intuition.  As long as we are feeling emotional about something intuition cannot be heard.  And second, if we follow our “intuition” and it backfires on us, it WASN’T your intuition you were listening to plan and simple!  Intuition will NEVER lead you wrong.  I can vouch for that by personal experience. 

So what exactly IS intuition?  Good question and not one I can really answer.  I can tell you that most, if not ALL of us, have experienced it at some point in our lives and most likely more than once.  It is those moments when out of the blue we think about someone we haven’t thought about in ages and later that day they call us.  Or more importantly, those times when you say “I KNEW I shouldn’t have done that!  I just had that feeling!”  THAT is intuition.  It’s that moment when we know something but have no idea why or how we know.  And logic has nothing at all to do with it!  I have worked on connecting with my intuition for many many years and I can tell you that even now, with my intuition proving itself to me time and time again ...... I still often “argue” with it lol.  Reason being, for the most part, intuition is SO far from logical that you just have a hard time accepting it.  In fact, logic plays very little role in it if at all.  That’s the whole point of using your intuition.  It can tell you things that you have no possible or logical way of knowing. Not to say that every time you get an illogical urge to do something you should follow it.  You have to learn first the difference between your logic at work and your emotions and desires at work verses real intuition.

I’ll start by giving some examples of intuition at work in my life.  One simple example is times when I have planned on going to a particular bank machine and suddenly got the “feeling” (and let’s get one thing straight here.  When using the word “feeling” here, don’t mistake it with emotion.  I’m talking along the lines of a “gut sense” that has nothing to do with emotions).  So I’d get this “feeling” that I shouldn’t  go but I have ignored it.  Why?  Because my logic kicked in – I needed to go, now was the convenient time and that particular machine was the closest and the one I always go too.  No logical reason AT ALL as to why I shouldn’t go.  And without fail, every time I haven’t listened, I’d get there to find the machine out of order.  Another bigger example:  my husband has a motorcycle.  I used to go out with him all the time but a few summers ago I completely lost interest.  I had no desire to go for rides and wouldn’t.  One night I kept getting a push to on the bike.  Not only did this not make any “logical” sense to me because I really didn’t want too, but my husband wasn’t in the mood either so I tried to ignore it.  But it persisted and finally I insisted and out we went.  We drove around for about an hour and as we were drawing close to home, the clutch broke!  Now this may seem like a bad thing but you have to know the rest of the story.  My husband had planned to go for a ride with the guys the next day.  Obviously there had been a problem with the clutch that my husband had been completely unaware of.  If we hadn’t have gone for the ride (at my “illogical” insistence) the clutch would have broke when he was far from home.  Needless to say he was very grateful I had pushed (and he has learnt, like me, that it’s not smart to ignore my “intuitions”).  As it turned out, he didn’t have time to make the repairs so had to bow out of going on the ride the next day.  Later in the day of the ride, one of his buddies that had gone called him.  Turns out that he had been riding up front of the group (the position my husband usually takes) and had been run off the road by a car!  Lucky for him he rides a trike so didn’t tip over and wasn’t hurt when he ended up in the ditch but if it had been my husband ..... would have been a different story!  If he hadn’t been grateful before, he sure was now!

So intuition can not only make your life easier in smaller ways, it can help you stay out of bigger scrapes as well.  It can also help lead you to great experiences you would have otherwise missed out on.  An example on that side – I was on a trip with a good friend.  We had been up late in our motel room the first night yakking away like we do.  Around 2am we were tired, had an early day and figured we should get to sleep.  As I climbed in bed, a got the urge to go sit outside one last time.  I didn’t WANT too.  It didn’t make sense but I decided to follow it.  My friend ended up coming out with me.  Now every time we had gone outside to sit, we had been so VERY careful to not lock ourselves out.  But low and behold ...... we found ourselves locked outside at 2am AND in our pajamas to boot!  Believe it or not, that experience was the highlight of our trip!!!  We have never laughed SO hard and I can guarantee when we are old and grey we will continue to bring it up and laugh about it J  Okay.  So not a big life changing experience but even still ..... that’s a priceless memory that if I hadn’t followed that illogical urge would never have come about.

Here’s another of my favorite examples:  my job is pretty easy going.  If I get up in the morning and don’t feel like going ..... I don’t.  But I always check in with my intuition first before making up my mind.  I never get a "no" .... except for this one time (and no.  Not at band camp lol!)  Background story:  I had a leased car at the time and really wanted to get rid of it but was stuck.  So this one morning I feel like staying home, check in with my intuition and get a resounding “NO!  Go to work!!”  Ok.  I was rather shocks and somewhat disappointed but off I went to work...... with a bit of a pout I might add.  I work at auto wreckers.  The few days previous we had the crusher come into our yard to .... well, crush cars.  The crusher is a huge piece of equipment that weighs about 20 ton.  This particular day, the crushing was all finished and the crusher was being removed.  When I got to work, they were in the process of pulling the crusher out of the yard.  I bet I hadn’t been there 20 minutes when one of the guys I work with came into my office with a really weird look on his face.  Turns out the chain being used to pull the crusher had broken causing the piece of machinery to smash into my car and total it!  So thanks to my listening to my intuition and going to work when I didn’t want to I not only got out of my lease but ended up with not only a brand new car (NOT leased) but enough cash as well to pay for an expensive trip I had taken the year before and was in major debit over, among other things J  Oh I could give you a lot more examples but you get the idea ;-) 

Those examples I think, clearly show how there is NO logic in intuition.  There was no way of knowing ahead of time what would happen and if I had have listened to my head (or emotions) about the situations ..... well....... 

For me, intuition is a prime part of my life.  I couldn’t imagine life without it now I know how to hear it.  And that is just it.  We ALL have it.  It “speaks” to us all the time.  We just don’t know how to hear it!  And like anything else, it takes practise – and ya, I know that sucks but there is no way to just “get it”.  We have to learn its language.  There is no point in my telling you how mine speaks to me.  I’m sure it is different for everyone to some degree.  But I CAN help you to figure it out.  One way is to look at those times when you go “Damn!  I KNEW I shouldn’t have done that!” and see if you can remember how it felt when you got the sense that you shouldn’t do that thing.  The best way though is to ask questions and see what you get.  Start out small.  Don’t practise with big things just yet especially things that could impact yours or someone else life.  Take it slow.  Work your way up.  Ask simple little questions that in the end, what you do doesn’t really matter.  Like when you are driving to work and come to that point where you have a choice of going two different ways – ask your intuition which way to go and see what happens.  Or maybe you have finish one chore and have a choice of several others to do next.  Ask your intuition which one you should do now.  Just play with it.  And an important thing to try once in awhile is to ask and then do the opposite of what you were “told”.  Sometimes that can affirm it even more until you get the hang of it.  Start out small until you get a feel for how it speak to you and slowly up the ante.  Just remember two key points 1. Stay out of your head.  Your intuition does not speak through your mind! And 2. If you are feeling emotional, unless you can separate yourself from it, it will block your intuition.  So have FUN with it and let me know your experiences.



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