That picture was me. Well not literally 😏 So here is my story about the rage I felt that night I wrote about in my previous page. How it began was, I had spent the afternoon and early evening texting with a close friend with whom I enjoy very deep conversations. I always feel very good and uplifted afterwards being able to share so deeply and completely with this woman. But this time I noticed near the end that my comments were becoming laced with cynicism and resentment ( not towards her). When we were finished, I felt extremely out of sorts but had no idea why. Obviously something near the end of the conversation had triggered some unknown emotional “button”. I couldn’t figure out what it was. Couldn't shake it. It carried on through the rest of the evening. By the time I went to bed, all of this nasty energy was coursing through my body and I knew I was going to have a rough night. I managed to get to sleep qu...