I find this a often.  I look for a quote to place at the top of the page that embodies what I wish to write about and come up with mostly negative version – looking for a “No Expectations” one was no exception (just shows how attached me seem to be to negative views)  Majority of them were things like “Have no expectations and people will not disappoint you” as if it is the other persons fault for falling short.  I don’t think any of us enjoy having expectations put upon us (at least when it isn’t agreed upon by both parties) so why do we feel it is perfectly acceptable to put them on others?  And then when the person (who hasn’t agreed t our expectations) fails to live up to them we get bent out of shape and angry at them!  Who many relationships have been destroyed simply for that fact that one or both individuals don’t live up to the imposed expectations?  There is a psychological term called “projecting” and I feel this is a perfect example of just that.  Projecting (just like a movie projector projects an image onto a screen) psychological projecting is when we “project” our values and baggage onto another and feel they are to blame for our discomfort.  So expectations are a form of projecting.  We want someone to be a certain way or do a certain thing and when it falls through its all “their” fault.

So what are expectations?  Basically it is a variety of “beliefs” we have taken on that that we cling to and feel that things are suppose to live up to them.  In a sense, we believe our opinions are the “be all and end all”.  Some expectations seem perfectly valid.  If you own a business and you hire someone to work for you, it is perfectly valid to “expect” them to do their job.  That is a pre-arrange agreement by both parties.  But it is when WE decide something should be a certain way and either directly or indirectly imposes it upon another person that the problems begin.  When you think about it, expectations are the epiphany of selfishness because we are putting how WE think things should be (and/or our values) first and foremost and as more "right" and important than the other persons.

Expectations in general I feel are the biggest source of you pain.  Expectations boil down to us wanting things to be a certain way and then falling short.  This goes for things as well as people.  I’m sure we have all had experiences such as really looking forward to a party and then coming away very disappointed.  There is nothing wrong with feeling excitement over some impending event BUT what is really behind that excitement?  I began observing in myself that every time I was excited by an upcoming event and ended up coming away disappointed (and sometimes depressed) that is was NOT the fault of the event.  It was because I had all of these expectations as to what I would experience while I was there.  An example could be if you are single and you have been invited to the ``party of the year`` and this is it!  Woo Hoo!  You are going to meet Mr. (or Ms) Right!  Then what is going to happen when you don't?  Anger, Upset. Depression.  You may start giving up on the idea of meeting that special someone.  On the other hand, if you were excited and thinking to yourself "Wow.  I'm really looking forward to this party.  I haven't been out in a long time and I'm looking forward to a change of pace!”  That is realistic.  There are no expectations.  You are simply excited about the reality of the situation.  I know myself that once I realized this and let go of my expectations of an event I actually came away having really enjoyed them and it was quite a shock to me!  When you go into something with expectations that is where your focus is.  This is what you think/believe/want to happen and it distracts you from the reality of the event and you will end up missing out on so many wonderful experiences because you are not open to them.  Expectations could also be referred to a "preconceived notions".  They are not based on what IS but your fantasies of it.  It is actually a form of control.  An attempt to control and manipulate events and people to fit a mould of what YOU want them to be rather than what they really are. 

To go even deeper with this, what about those times when you expectations ARE perfectly reasonable and/or have been agreed upon by another party but they are not being met?  Like the employee that turns out to be a lazy bum and you have done everything you possibly can to get them to live up to their end of the bargain to no avail?  The employee doing his or her job is a "valid" expectation (agreed upon by both parties) but once that "agreement" is broken, the expectation needs to be let go of.  You need to rethink the expectation.  While it may be perfectly valid and reasonable - is it realistic and viable under the circumstances?  And here is where acceptance comes in.  You can continue to hold on to the expectation and drive yourself crazy or you can let go and accept.  Accepting is NOT about giving up or convincing yourself to be okay with a situation that you clear aren't.  It is about seeing it for what it is and realizing you cannot change it.  One of my personal pet peeves is people that complain about the weather all the time and are miserable about it.  You can't do anything to change it so get over it!!! Doesn't mean you have to learn to like it but you can't do anything about it so accept it!  It is what it is  Once you can step in to acceptance of a situation and, you step away from all the stress and it opens you up to a place of creative solutions.  (For myself, I used to hate winter - and there is a whole other page brewing from that! - but once I stepped away from being caught in the "I hate winter" funk, I suddenly realized I actually liked winter!  I'm an introvert so it gives me the perfect excuse to hole up and hibernate :-)

So back to the example of the lazy employee that no matter how you have tried, will not change.  Once you accept the fact that it is out of your hands, then you can move into making a decision.  You beginning to look at all the facts of the situation and can then determine what you are and aren’t willing to do.  Maybe the obvious choice is to fire them but you realize that having them there brings in a lot of business.  Look deep and figure out which is more important to you and what you are willing to live with.  What you are and are not willing to do is not the real point.  The point is taking responsibility for the situation. 

As long as you have expectations you are basically putting your life into someone else’s hands!  Giving up responsibility of your own life and them blaming everyone else when it doesn`t go your way.  Even in AA they say the first step is admitting you are an alcoholic i.e. being willing to accept the fact.  Most likely it is not something pleasant to admit but as long as you don`t admit there is a problem, and it’s up to you to do something about it, you are going to continue to be at the mercy of the booze.  Why would we want to give up control of our lives to other people and things?  And that is what we are really doing.  We kid ourselves into thinking we aren`t but really we are.  I myself have found how incredible it is when I step back from a situation and stop trying to control it.  Accept it for what it is regardless of whether I like it or not.  The stress of constantly trying to change it to no avail almost instantly dissipates and I can look at the situation much more clearly and realistically.  If you do not like your partner’s behaviour and they refuse to change no matter how much you reason with them, then you have to make a decision. 

Buddha says the root of suffering is attachment.  Letting go of attachment (expectations) ISN`T about avoiding disappointment (which is simply something or someone not living up to what we think it or they should)  it’s about stepping back, allowing things to be what they are and in the process opening up yourself to a myriad of unthought-of possibilities!  Basically it is about “getting out of your own way”.  A good example of this is finding yourself washed up on a deserted island.  You can either refuse to accept the reality of the situation and whine, cry and feel sorry for yourself and sit on the beach convincing yourself that some one will show up any minute now and rescue you or you can accept the reality of the situation and take action accordingly.  One could very well mean your death.  The other, acceptance, could save your life!  Its about taking responsibility for what is instead of turning a blind and and trying to force it into something it isn't. You may have had no or very little part in creating the situation but it is your responsibility, and yours alone, how you choose to deal with it.

We get so caught up in wanting things to be a certain way and trying to force them in a sense (or literally) we lose sight of the what is really around us.  Heaven and Hell really DO exist but they aren’t “out there”.  They live inside our heads. 


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