Many years ago I ran across a picture (really wish I could find it but haven’t had any luck) of Buddha sitting peacefully in mediation in the centre surrounded by a collage of pictures of noise and confusion.  It really stuck with me.  I yearned for that kind of peace. 

I used to go to a women’s drumming group.  The place we gathered was beautiful and peaceful.  We would all breathe a sigh of relief as we pulled up the long driveway surrounded by cedar trees.  The evenings spent there, all the participants enjoyed a state of bliss.  One night while we were sharing, I mentioned this sense of bliss we all had but commented on how we needed to find a way to feel like this in our everyday lives, not just in places and moments like these.  I remember everybody looking at me like I had three heads!  Since then I have spoken to people about this “elusive place” and wanting to achieve it and have been told (and I’m talking about spiritual teachers) that it is not possible.  That it is a “pipe dream”.  We can find ourselves in that space at times but we cannot actually live there.  I’m here to tell you they are dead wrong!  Five years ago I found myself in that very place – the place of utter peace regardless of what was going on around me.  It was like living constantly in the eye of the hurricane.  It was incredible!  And there were so many “perks” that came with it such as synchronicity suddenly playing a big role in my life.  (I had never experienced real synchronicity at work before and had though it was just a “myth”).  And it isn’t a place where you put on blinders and just ignore things you don’t like.  It is a place where unpleasant things still happen but you are able to deal with them in a much more constructive way. 

Now the problem was...... I had no idea how I had gotten there and after about 6 month a situation happened in my life that completely pulled me out of it (and I can even tell you the exact minute it happened I remember it so well).  I had spent the years since then desperately trying to figure out what exactly caused me to be “pulled out” how the hell do I get back!  All of the things I had thought we’re behind it didn’t work.  Every once in awhile I would hit on something that did get me back there and I was all “Eureka!!!”  but it would be short lived.  Aw man I was frustrated!!!!  It was almost worse having experienced it and loosing it than not having had it at all.

Over most of my adult life (outside of those blissful 6 months) I have been haunted by certain questions about myself in regard to situations that bring up seriously uncomfortable feelings that make NO logical sense.  Situations, for example, where I have a lot to be grateful for (and am ..... intellectually) but for the most part am completely incapable of really feeling gratitude and I couldn’t figure out why.  I’ve put a lot of effort into trying to find the answers but they eluded me entirely. Then one night I found myself severely triggered.  I was full of anger and resentment and had no idea why.   I went to bed knowing full well I was going to have a rough night and it didn’t disappoint.  I woke up at 1:30 in the morning ready to spit nails!!  I got up and laid down in the spare bedroom with my mind racing with all these rageful thoughts that would not let me go back to sleep.  And as my mind bitched and complained with no stopping it, I suddenly realized that all those questions that had been haunting me for so many years were being answered!  (I won’t get into the details here because they are basically irrelevant to where I am going though if I did I can guarantee many many people, particularly women, would be able to totally identify.  Maybe it is something I will get into in another post).  So this was great.  I finally had the answers but the flip side was I could see no way out.  I could clearly see what was causing my pain but there was very literally no way to change the situations.  So that just added to the rage.  Somehow, after a few hours of mental raging, I finally fell asleep. 

I am prone to having dreams where something is after me and I know I will be killed eventually.  I am in utter fear and panic trying unsuccessfully to find somewhere safe while the thing draws closer and closer.  Since dreams are not to be taken literally and are simply symbolic, these dreams are my subconscious welling forth in regard to something in my everyday life I am running from or not understanding (such as what was behind this rage that welled up).  Well this particular night of my raging, I find myself in this lovely place.  Peaceful, good friends, fun.  I wander off alone for a bit when suddenly all hell breaks loose!  And here we go again!  I’m in an unavoidable life and death situation knowing there is no way out and I’m gonna die horribly in the end.  The first thing that happened was I found myself trapped in an enclosed area and in front of the only exit was a man in the process of turning into a werewolf.  (I’m not a lucid dreamer so when I dream to me it’s really happening at the time).  Instantly I started to go into that old familiar,  justified place of panic.  But something suddenly shifted in me and I yelled out “Fuck!  This is just like those dreams I have!”  The panic left and I became calm.  I knew I had a couple of minutes before the guy would be fully turned and be able to come after me.  I began to look around and discovered another hidden doorway at the back (a doorway I never would have noticed if I had been in panic mode).  I made my way over as inconspicuously as possible and slowly and quietly opened it.  I looked out to discover everyone there at the fair was being brutally butchered by a bunch of insane, freakish creatures!  There was no escape.  There were so many that I knew I was going to be butchered eventually as well.  Just a matter of time before one of them saw me.  There was absolutely nothing I could do.  But instead of panic taking over, I felt very calm.  I went into acceptance of the fact of the situation..... at least as I knew it to be in the moment.  

Well, to make a long story short, being in this place of acceptance (regardless of the fact I didn’t like it, it was still a fact) my head stayed very clear and I began to observe and think very logically.  Opportunities began to present themselves that I would think “I’m probably not going to get out of this but what do I have to lose?” and I’d try it.  Then end results?  Not only did I not end up getting butchered but some of my clear headed actions resulted in not only these homicidal creatures eventually ignoring me altogether as I walked around freely among them but I discovered I had actually gained their respect!!!  When my alarm went off and started to pull me awake, the dream had by then become so wonderful I fought to stay in it lol!

I knew this was a very powerful dream.  That something had gotten deep into my subconscious that had enable me to turn my typical dreams of terror completely around but it took me sitting down to write it out fully to see the msgs.  And when I did, I suddenly saw that the “key” I had been looking for all those years had been presented to me.  ACCEPTANCE!!!!  I touched on this in my last page about Expectations.  Acceptance isn’t about being okay with things.  It’s about looking at the reality of the situation and accepting it as the “fact” it seems to be in the moment i.e. in the dream I knew I was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it.  (Maybe you are broke and need money and can't see how you can come up with it.  Well that is a FACT)  It is when we refuse to accept things as they are and struggle and get emotional over them and slip into “victimhood” that we loose site – loose our “minds - of the situation..  And once we loose our mind we loss the opportunity to look at thinks clearly and see potential solutions presented to us - sometimes right under our noses. 

(Side note:  I saw a movie a while back with Tom Hanks in it.  It was during WW2 and a spy that had infiltrated the allies had been discovered.  Tom Hanks was hired as the lawyer to represent him.  Through the whole proceeding, this spy remained perfectly calm, cool and collected.  Tom Hanks couldn’t understand how the guy wasn’t freaking out.  He kept saying things to him like “You realize they will put you to death if you are found guilty.  Why aren’t you panicking?”  To which the spy replied “Would it help if I did?”  Wow!!!  Very profound.  No his panicking wouldn’t improve the situation and in fact, could potentially make it worse if he did something rash like try to flee.)

So thanks to this dream, I had finally found the key.  Discovered what I had inadvertently done those 5 years ago that had nestled me into that place of peace.  Acceptance.  I had been living in total and complete acceptance of my life in all aspects and through living that way I had easily found solutions to the things I wasn't thrilled about and the things that I did truly enjoy showed up more readily (synchronistically).  The world around me seemed brighter and more vivid because I was actually seeing them rather than just looking at them while more focused on the stuff rattling around in my head.  My head was SO much quieter.  When I did think, I was thinking with intent rather than a gazillion thoughts running amok uncontrollably in my head.  (I remember sitting outside one night near the beginning of my 6 months and being surprised and amazed at how unusually quiet it was out then suddenly realized it wasn’t out there that had become more quiet but in my head that was quiet.)  And I started seeing things that would have otherwise gone unnoticed while in that previous noisy head space like a butterfly hidden in a bush.  And the small things gave me great joy such as just sitting quietly on the couch watching one of my cats sleep because I was really seeing my cat in all of its natural beauty.  Life ran smoother in general.  And ........ thanks to that dream..... I am now back there and back to stay. J (And I also now know that the event that happened and resulted in my leaving my place of peace was because I simply chose - unconsciously - not to accept it and instead went into victimhood. It had been to difficult for me to accept.  By not accepting it, the situation went to total hell in a hand basket and, looking back, if I had stayed in a place of acceptance I KNOW I would have dealt with it much differently and it wouldn't have fallen apart like it did.  It took me many years of serious heart ache before I was able to rectify the it!)


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