So I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and how I wish to precede.  What it is I wish to accomplish.  What it is I wish to do.  What the point is.  Trying to dig deep to see what my motivations really are and is it really something I WANT to do and if so, why?  Part of me keeps holding back because there is a fear that I’m doing it out of some form of “arrogance”.  Like somehow I’m trying to “show off” and as I write that I suddenly remember being accused of being a show off as a kid.  How it seemed that every time I did something and was thrilled about it I was accused of showing off.  Wow.  Big insight.  Wondered why I felt shaky as I started to type and am actually breaking out in a sweat and feel tears wanting to come out.  And maybe explains why I have been feeling a lot of resistance to doing this blog even though I was initially very excited at the prospect.  What a perfect beginning to this article!  Excuse me while I let out some tears.

Okay ........ so that is a perfect example of the type of things that I want to write about in this blog.  Like I have mentioned before, my passion my whole adult life has been about the mind and how it affects our life.  More accurately how our thoughts and beliefs affect our life.  And the worst part is, for the most part we have NO clue.  We live our days on autopilot thinking that we have “freedom of choice” when in fact we don’t.  We have all these thought and beliefs that we aren’t even aware of controlling us every minute of every day.  I’m FAR from free of them.  How I started this article off proves that but I saw a post on Face book a couple of weeks ago that says it very well “We are ALL puppets.  I’m just aware of the strings”.  I see so many people that are unhappy (and I definitely still have my days.  Still have lots of strings) and I just wish I could reach out to them and maybe help them start to become aware of some of their strings.  I’ve struggled for a very long time and would like to be able to share some of the things that my struggles and desire to understand them have shown me.  So that is why I want to do this blog.  And the fact that I have had people tell me that some of the things I have shared with them has helped them encourages me.  AND I know all too well what it’s like to feel like you are the only one that thinks/feels the things you do and what a relief it is to find out you aren’t!  We can feel pretty damned lonely in our pain.

The next thing was deciding how exactly I was going to proceed.  Do I just write articles speaking about the things I have learned in a general kind of way?  And then I had something happen two days ago that changed my perception.  One of the things that has been playing in the back of my mind is how someone I deeply respect told me that it is important for me to become more “vulnerable”.  That my inability to be vulnerable is holding me back.  When she told me, I could feel it to be very true but in the same breath didn’t have the first clue as to what that meant (for me in my life) or how to go about doing it.  So what was I supposed to do?  Start crying in public?  Start telling everybody I meet whatever crap happened to be going on in my life at the time?  (And believe me there has been a lot this year!).  What the hell does being vulnerable mean anyway?  Slowly I started to understand a bit more.  I finally understood that when she said being vulnerable is actually strength and not the weakness, as I had come to believe, that she was totally right.  It takes COURAGE to be vulnerable.  (Writing that puts to mind the “tough guy” at the dance who lets on he is WAY to cool to dance when in fact he is covering up that he is afraid of what people will think of him but a part of him would love to be out there.)    So yesterday I, seemingly out of the blue, was hit with a deep, gut wrenching sadness.  I did my best not to think about it.  Not to talk about it.  Too just allow myself to fully FEEL it (something I will get to later) and just allow the sadness to fully express itself (something we do way too little of).  As I did, things started to come forward.  Things that I was unknowingly pushing down and not allowing myself to look at for various reasons. And during that, MAN was I feeling vulnerable!!!  And it actually felt kinda good.  And I realized THAT is the place I need to write from.  Not in a detatched “here’s what I do” way but to try to really speak from the heart.  So that is what my intent will be.  To open up.  Be vulnerable and speak from my heart and soul.  I think there are very very few people that can honestly say they have it all together.  Have it all figured out.  We are all struggling and too often in the past I have given over my........  What?  Autonomy? ....... To people that put on a show of having it “all together” only to eventually see they really don’t.  I remember years ago talking to a women who had been an alcoholic and had been in therapy for it.  When she met her first therapist she asked the therapist if she had ever been an alcoholic and received a “No”.   She immediately requested another therapist as the last thing she wanted was one that had no clue what she was going through.  Makes sense.  

Life ISN’T about having it “all together”.  Every time I think I have it “all together”, life throws me another unexpected curve and I feel like I’m starting all over again.  There will always be pain.  There will always be struggle and the sooner we get that the better off we will be.  (I think one of the beliefs most of us carry is that once such and such happens, life will be good and we will be happy.  But it never seems to work that way and we just find ourselves reaching for the next “fix”.  Hey I know that first hand all too well!)  Instead, it’s about how we learn to deal with these things.  Chances of us ever having it “all together” are pretty damned slim but we can work on finding some semblance of peace in our lives and use these things to learn more about ourselves and how our mind works.  Like I mentioned in another post, I love facing fears.  But I find it much easier to face physical fears because in that arena, I can logic my way through it.   I guess you could call it, existential fears I find much harder.  Yes using logic can play a role in helping but when you are all tied up in emotions that you don’t understand logic gets drowned out pretty quickly and we become like a fox chasing its tail (or my cat lol! I have a cat that seems to mirror where I am in my life with an amazing accuracy!)  And so here I am, stepping into my vulnerability!  Chow for now :-)


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